“Heaven Let Them Die”
November 7, 2024
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Pressing Info
250 - PN1 - Clear Glitter
850 - PN2 - Blue, White & Purple Aside/Bside
1500 - US/Canada Indie Retail - Wine Deluxe Marble
400 - Evil Greed - Black Ice with White Splatter
1000 - Band Tour - Blood Red In Clear
1000 - Band Webstore - Blood Red & Milky Clear Pinwheel with White & Red(ish) Splatter
3500 - Various - Blood Red & White Aside/Bside with Black Splatter
1. A Martyr Left Alive
2. With Loving Arms Disfigured
3. To Hear of War
4. No Lamb Was Lost
5. Praise No Artery Intact
6. Heaven Let Them Die